Table of Contents

Vol. 35, July 1998

Indian Pediatrics - July 1998, Vol. 35, Number 7




Neonatal ventilation: Present and future directions
Sunil K. Sinha and Steven M. Donn

Original Articles

Cognitive abilities of asphyxiated survivors beyond 5 years of age
Anita Tandon, Siddarth Ramji, Sudershan Kumari. Alka Goyal. Deepak Chandra and V.R. Nigam        605

Choledochal cysts in infants and children
Ujjal Poddar, B.R. TIlapa, Mohinish Chhabra, K.L.N. Rao, S.K. Mitra, J.B. Dilawari and Kartar Singh    613

Height velocity, body fat and menarcheal age of Indian girls
Shobha Rao, Smita Joshi and Asawari Kanade                                       619                    

Review Article

Recent advances in assisted ventilation for neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
Victor Y.H. Yu                                   631


Medical Profession and the Pharmaceuticals: Indian scenario
Sanwar Agrawal                                                                              641

Brief Reports

Pattern of drug use in neonatal intensive care unit
R. Uppal, A. Chhabra and A. Narang                                            647

Ultrasonographic evaluation of hepatic steatosis in malnutrition
S.C. Lalwani, S. Karande, R. Khemani and M.K. Jain                                                       650

Hypothermia in newborns at Shimla
Shayam L. Kaushik, Neelam Grover, V.R. Parmer, Rajni Kaushik and Anmol K. Gupta       652

Case Reports

Spontaneous deep vein thrombosis
Po V. Havaldar, Kavita D. Mogale, A.M. Koppad and Roopa Haravi          657

DOPA responsive dystonia in a girl with vitiligo
Nalin Chaudhary, Jayanti Mani, Sangeeta Rawat, Rajesh Mulye and Pravina Shah        663

Gastroesophageal reflux and pulmonary complication in a neonate
Kanya Mukhopadhyay, Anil Narang, Praveen Kumar, Shantavanu Clwkraborty and Bhagwant Rai Mittal        665

Immunization Dialogue

Right age for meningococcal vaccine
Yash Paul                                                  669

T. Jacob
John         669

Images in Clinical Practice

Hypohydrotic ectodermal dysplasia
S. Aneja, A. Seth, S. Narain and S. Sethi               673

Letters to the Editor

Salmeterol in exercise induced asthma
A. Santhosh kumar                                                         681

Rapunzel syndrome
Y.K. Sarin                         682

Perinatal and neonatal mortality
- A hospital based study
Lalita Behl, Neelam Grover and Shayam L. Kaushik                                 683

Immunogenicity of Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine in Indian infants
T. Jacob John                                                                                                              685

V.B. Sovani                   686

Glucose-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency: Why girls are affected?
Ravi Goyal                                                                                                                                        688

Atanu Kumar Jana         688




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