Supplement on "Polio Eradication: The Story, The Success and Strategies for Future"

Supplement on "Polio Eradication: The Story, The Success and Strategies for Future"


Celebrating India’s Achievements Towards Polio Eradication 1
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Special Article

The Need and Potential of Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine – Julie Garon, Walter Orenstein and T Jacob John 2
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Research Papers

The Estimated Health and Economic Benefits of Three Decades of Polio Elimination Efforts in India –Arindam Nandi, Devra M Barter, Shankar Prinja and T Jacob John 7
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Cross-sectional Serologic Assessment of Immunity to Poliovirus in Differential Risk Areas of India: India Seroprevalence Survey - 2014 – Mohammad Ahmad, Sunil Bahl and Abhishek Kunwar 14
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Review Article

A Brief History of Vaccines Against Polio – Vipin M Vashishtha and Sachidanand Kamath 20
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Polio Eradication and Endgame Plan – Victory within Grasp – Manish Patel, Lisa Menning and Pankaj Bhatnagar 28
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Polio Endgame: Information Gaps Related to Vaccines and Immunity – Mohammad Ahmad, Sunil Bahl and Abhishek Kunwar 33
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India’s Research Contributions Towards Polio Eradication (1965-2015) – T Jacob John 38
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India’s Preparedness for Introduction of IPV and Switch from tOPV to bOPV – Pradeep Haldar and Pankaj Agrawal 44
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Role of Social Mobilization (Network) in Polio Eradication in India – Anisur Rahman Siddique, Prem Singh, and Geetali Trivedi 50
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Role of Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) in Accelerating Inactivated Polio Vaccine Introduction – Naveen Thacker, Deep Thacker and Ashish Pathak 57
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Global Polio Eradication: The Journey So Far – Naveen Thacker, Vijay N Yewale and Ashish Pathak 61
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Introduction of Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine in National Immunization Program and Polio Endgame Strategy – Vipin M Vashishtha, Jaydeep Choudhary, Sangeeta Yadav, Jeeson C Unni, Pramod Jog, Sachidanand S Kamath, Anupam Sachdeva, Sanjay Srirampur, Baldev Prajapati and Bakul J Parekh, for Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) Advisory Committee on Vaccines and Immunization Practices (ACVIP) 65
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News in Brief   70

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Clippings   71

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